In all the hub-bub of the birthday party, I forgot to post project updates!
Here is a list of what got done:
painted living room and dining area
kitchen is 90% painted
bathroom is 95% painted
95% of fence removed
entry way painted
hung pictures
new tile on kitchen floor
table was delivered
hung new school boards
hung new chandelier
put in new heater vent covers
heater cover
candle lanterns
school boards (yes, there is coloring on the white board)

Pictures above couch
chandelier (bought on craigslist for $15!)

close up of shades, they are tortoise shell

sign above arch entry way

Here's a list of what is left to do:
finish painting trim
finish painting bathroom
finish painting kitchen
paint ceiling (as you can see from the pics above)
replace couch
refinish dining table
refinish fencing that is going to replace the old fencing
put down new transition strips
clean out bedrooms
get new beds for the oldest 4 (I think this may end up being a Christmas gift)
put decorative touches in kitchen
get curtains
I'll post pics of the kitchen (and the new kitchen color) later when I get it jazzed up a bit!
(I've had to edit this post twice because I've thought of other things still needing to get done! See, it really never ends!!!!)