Wednesday, September 30, 2009

this week at the academy

For those of you interested to know what we do on a day to day basis, I thought I'd share what's on this week's agenda. In addition to the basic reading, writing, arithmetic stuff, we are learning about germs. We are reading Pasteur's Fight Against Microbes. At the end of the week we are going to be growing our own germs in a petri dish, and then kill them with antibacterial gel. (this all came in a science kit I bought a while back from NOEO) Since we are heading into cold and flu season, I want to show the kids why it's so important to wash their hands.
The kids are also learning their 10 commandments, with the help of some nifty 10 Commandments stickers I picked up.

Along with our new math and Explode the Code books that arrived this week, we received a box set of the American Girl Kirsten books and have started reading those to the girls. Our family is from Sweden, and I thought the books would be just a fun starting point to learn about their heritage. Both girls want to celebrate St. Lucia's Day this year, which happens to fall on the day after Bella's birthday.
Next week: Mummies!

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