Monday, May 17, 2010


Today I finally went in for my big ultrasound. (we already knew the gender from my trip to the ER, but I needed to get the size/full anatomy screening)  The girls both really wanted to come along and see the baby.  Bella has been to a couple ultrasounds before, but Genna has been to many more and is used to images.  When the tech first put the wand on my tummy, Bella's eyes got huge and she stammered "uh... um... it... uh... looks... like... a... uh... skeleton"  She was terrified that baby Noah had no skin, poor girl!  The tech was wonderful though and quickly grabbed a different wand which gave the images a softer, less "Halloweenish" appearance.  I don't get the Dr.'s official report on the scan until he gets back from his vacation, but to me all looked good!  We got to see some great shots of his face; he kept putting his hands over his face and the girls got a kick out of him "playing peek-a-boo" with us.  For some reason Elijah was worried that Noah wasn't going to have feet (he feels very strongly that Noah is going to change the world when he grows up, and that he'll need feet to do that!), so the girls were happy to report with confidence that Noah does have two perfect feet.  Only about 13 weeks to go before we can see him face to face!

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