Monday, September 22, 2008

First day of school

Our first day of school went very well. We didn't even start our lessons until after lunch because we had two more boxes of stuff delivered today. We had a very relaxed day, and the lessons were completed very quickly. We did math, handwriting, language arts, a search and find picture, read a story about Venice, discussed different jobs people do, and reviewed our school rules. In one of the boxes we got today, there were two boxes of musical instruments. When we were talking about our school rules, I discussed with them the importance of team work and helping each other out. Their first "homework assignment" was to create a song together with the new musical instruments while I got ready to go to a homeschool parent meeting tonight, and they were to perform it for me when I was ready. Genna sort of became the leader and gave out assignments, so it looks like we'll need some more lessons on team work, but it was a great start and they had fun! Even Isaac got in on it! We also got geo-boards today, and I can see it was a HUGE mistake to buy only 3 instead of 4! The kids LOVE LOVE LOVE these things! Who knew a handful of rubber bands and some plastic pegs on a board could provide hours of entertainment!!! We also got our first set of Lincoln Logs, which proved to be somewhat challenging for the kids, but they worked together to figure out how to build a house. (I only showed them how the logs fit together; I wanted them to work their brains to figure out how to stack up the different sized logs to make houses with windows, doors, a roof, etc.....) Genna made a fairly elaborate home, but Bella accidentally knocked it over. Oh well. At the end of the day both girls said they enjoyed math the most as far as seated workbook work goes, and Elijah liked coloring pictures. (we didn't color any pictures today.........?) Tonight before bed they all agreed that they couldn't wait to do school again tomorrow. Music to a homeschool mom's ears! All in all, a great start to our year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicely done, mom!