Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Here we go!

Thanks to Kerry and the beautiful quilt she is making for her baby girl, I've decided to give it a try. I've had my sewing machine for a year, but have only sewed a few items, and I am still very much an amateur. However, I find sewing to be very relaxing and I'm learning to have more patience with this type of stuff, so I decided to just jump in with both feet. Jeremy helped me come up with my own pattern; we took some ideas and inspiration from about 4 other patterns that we had seen. I have cut most of my fabric, but need to head back to the fabric store to pick up just a little more to be able to do the design I have decided on. Since I am making quilts for both of my daughters, and being pregnant makes it hard to lean forward for long periods of time, I know this is going to take a while. I'm excited though to see how this is going to turn out. Stay tuned for pictures!


Anonymous said...

I'm just tickled to see this!! Even though I've only had a tiny bit of experience, I'm happy to field any questions you have. I can always call mom for advice! Have FUN!

Aubrey said...

You can pretty much count on me asking you to explain seam pressing at the party on Friday!

Anonymous said...

I'll be ready! I was thinking that I should have included photos after I explained that. Now it's too late;it has a back! See you Friday.