Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I told you he was a genius!

In case you missed the first signs, you can scroll down for a post titled "extra extra", but it seems Nahshon has unleashed his genius abilities again. I did not hear any of this take place, but Genna swears it's all true. Genna was playing with Nahshon and was trying to decide which toy he liked best. She held up a block and said "are you interested in this one?" Nahshon then replied in a very cute, teeny tiny baby voice "I in-tres-ted" The only thing I've heard him say is hi and some cute baby gargles, I just wish once I could see him in all his genius glory. When Jeremy asked him to say it again he just stuck out his tongue and drooled. I guess for now he is only comfortable letting his sisters see his amazing talents and I'll just have to continue on thinking he's just a normal baby...............

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