Wednesday, October 8, 2008

what? WHAT? Are you kidding?

Last night after the presidential debate I remembered that I wanted to find Jeremy information on changing his voter registration. He did not vote in the election 4 years ago, and after giving him an earful about it, I told him he needed to change his registration to absentee ballot so that he will ALWAYS have the chance to vote. Of course he didn't get around to doing it himself anytime in the past 4 years, so I wanted to find out for him what he needed to do. I go online, type in his information, and get a message saying there is no information on this voter. Puzzled and thinking I must have put some information in wrong, I called Jeremy to figure it out. Much to my shock and astonishment, Jeremy says he's pretty sure he's actually NEVER REGISTERED TO VOTE!!! In regards to Jeremy, this is completely unacceptable!!! This is a man that LOVES politics, will get in heated debates with strangers, and constantly complains about our government and the people running it. Um, sorry hun, but NO VOTE = NO COMPLAINING. My government teacher in high school actually personally checked all of his students records for their age to make sure that anyone who was of legal voting age before the 2000 Gore/Bush knew how to get registered to vote. If anyone reading this is not registered or needs to change some registration information, go to your local auditors office within 15 days of an election. This is so important, PLEASE VOTE!!!!!

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