Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the more the merrier!

Having a large family sometimes comes with it's own set of difficulties, but it also comes with it's own set of joys. Today was one of those great days where having a house full was lots of fun. This week we are reading Night Of The Moonjellies by Mark Sasha, with our Five In A Row curriculum. It is a beautifully illustrated book, with a simple sweet story about a boy that helps out at the family hot dog stand by the beach. I chose this book this week because it has a nice lesson of responsibility, which is becoming more and more important with the kids as we enter these last 10 weeks of the pregnancy and I need them helping out a bit more. Today I decided to do a fun activity with the kids; we opened up out own cafe! The kids made a big sign (they named our restaurant The Hambergers Restaurant, which you are supposed to say with a French accent), and menus. Dad was the head chef, Genna was the assistant chef, Bella took orders from the customers and called out "order up" to the kitchen with each new ticket, Elijah was our server, and mom was just a guest with two unruly toddlers that wanted lunch! haha! Jeremy made himself a big chef hat out of paper, and called out directions to his assistant chef. Our menu included hot dogs, veggie-burgers, bagels with cream cheese, chips, apple slices, carrot sticks, baked beans, milk, apple juice, and grape juice. Everyone ended up ordering a different combination of foods, which made it seem even more like a real restaurant. The kids got really into their parts, and it was so much fun!

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