Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's not you, it's me

This weekend I was having a chat with family about how I never answer my phone, so I'm here to tell you all it's not you, it's me. I'm not dodging you or ignoring you. Being a mom of many and a homeschool mom, I find myself needing to set boundaries to keep from getting distracted and sidetracked away from the things that need to get done everyday. One of the easiest ways for me to do that is to just not answer my phone. You can always send me a text, which I will usually read sooner than later and will get back to you when I have the chance. (unless of course it's really important) You can leave a voice mail, but unless it sounds urgent, there are no guarantees I'll call you back. Most likely you'll get a text when I have down time. I also check my email every so often throughout the day, so that is another good way to contact me. (our computer is pretty much always on because it seems like the kids are always asking a question about one thing or another, to which we turn to Google for answers) So, there you have it.


Anonymous said...

Amen, Amen, Amen!! I'm right there with you, sister! I think I might just need to copy and paste this post to my blog.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT! I agree with Kerry. I just might have to copy and paste it to my blog, too!

Rene' said...

AMEN, do you give us permission? ;o)

Aubrey said...

haha! Sure thing Rene'! (and Kerry and Mandy)

Anonymous said...

I'm LOVING your blog as I sit here late tonight watching a movie while my family sleeps. I saw Kerry's comment on your FB about the phone post and had to go find it. I get so much ridicule about this very thing. I have learned over the years that I'm not the only one who does it and that it's okay. Unfortunatley, I don't get much grace when I try to explain myself. So good job! Everyone's priorities are different but some of ours aren't with on the phone! AMEN! Thanks for posting and sharing. Katie

Anonymous said...

I hate to say 'back in the day', but I'm going to. We did just fine without all of this texting, voice mail, e-mail, cell phone carrying stuff. We had a phone at home, answered it and sat still while talking. If we didn't answer we weren't home or were busy. No message machinges meant you would have to try and call back later. We drove the car with two hands on the wheel, and got into much less accidents cuz we actually drove, didn't consider driving time as multi-tasking, catch up on everything else, time. It is amazing to me that when someone doesn't jump to answer the phone, answer an e-mail, text, etc that it is considered rude. I find it more rude for someone to interupt a conversation to answer the cell phone, or blue tooth thingie, or text or whatever. What happened to manners, conversing in person and just plain respect of others' time?
By the by, how come everyone has so much time to interupt all day long, but no one has time to r.s.v.p. anymore? Hmmmm......
Keep on keeping on Aub, it's your life with your rules! ;-)