Tuesday, January 27, 2009

kisses at Costco

Last night I needed to do some grocery shopping, but my car is in need of some repairs. My mother-in-law came over to watch the kids, and let me borrow her car to do my shopping. I had a couple stops to make, and was talking to Jeremy off and on during my shopping. While I was at Costco I had a question for him and tried calling him a few times, but he didn't pick up. Then I got a text that said "I'm in the middle of a project that needs tweaking". I knew he was making reference to You've Got Mail and that he was probably up to something silly, but with Jeremy, one never knows what. I was just getting ready to grab some bagels when I was suddenly grabbed from behind and got a big kiss on the neck. Rather startled I turned around to see my mystery grabber and there was my husband!!! I knew he was getting to come up for a night, but I didn't know which night it would be. He told me last night that he wasn't going to be up until tonight, and since I knew he wasn't driving his own car up, I had no reason to suspect otherwise. I guess he had his boss drop him off at Costco and he followed me around the store for a little while waiting for the perfect moment to surprise me. The kids were completely stunned when I walked in with grocery bags, followed by dad. They all just sort of stood there and stared for a few seconds not sure what to say! The best part is that this morning he was able to get my car in working order, he's going to be able to go to the book report lunch to see Genna present (she wanted him to be there so badly, but I told her there was no way he'd make it up for that), and it seems that he'll be here for one more night before heading back down to Portland! Yahoo! Just what we all needed right now.


Anonymous said...

OH, Aubrey! How super! Mandy made a great guess - as far out there as it was! My surprises at Costco look more like "insufficient funds" when I go to check out or something like that - I much prefer yours! You have a romantic on your hands! I'm so glad you're getting this boost right now.
Continuing to pray for you,

Luke Holzmann said...

That would be rather startling.

...yikes. Glad it was your man and not some other strange dude [smile].


Anonymous said...

Aubrey, what a great way to suprise you. I am glad he got to stay for an extra night. How was the date?