Friday, January 2, 2009

school starts Monday

I really want to get the house all cleaned up and organized because on Monday we are all back to hitting the books; but I'm just dragging! Tomorrow I'm going to head down to the college bookstore to pick up my books for class (the instructor added yet another book to the required list), and stop by the office supply store and grab a handful of things I need for my schoolwork. I'm hoping once my pile of school stuff is sitting on the table, I'll feel more motivated to get the house in order. I also need to make some lesson plans for the kids school work. I'm going to push them a bit for now so that we can be done when the baby arrives in May. I've decided not to continue anyone's activities for the time being because there is just too much to be done. (and it's so hard to get a groove going when we have to go somewhere almost every day of the week) Perhaps I just need to go to bed early and start fresh tomorrow. Yesterday was a long day for the kids, and they are all a bit crabby today. (I think we are all in a mood to just hide in our rooms) I'm looking forward to starting school, but I know Monday will be here all too soon.

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